
ahPoem 512-551a

(Chernow’s Washington a Life) ahPoem.512-523. constitution’fchoice.?.our sword to overturn

512-“Wretchedly managed” is BranchLeg. says WASH…, now $ “Joe-KamalaBorder”; 1
512a-“Wretchedly managed” is BranchLeg. says WASH…, now $ CrusadoNATO-Gaza; 2
512b-“SELFISHNESS” of kings/Priest, people frustrate sound CivilState government; 3
516- (Then Shay, now Gaza-Ukraine) WASH says in crisis “bring them back to peaceNreconciliation”; 4
518-(Then/ now, WeThe) People “feel at once their own poverty,compared with the opulent”; 5
519-TheShayRebellion brings change to weak Articles’fConfederation; 6
519a-(WASH writes Madison)”What stronger evidence can be given (for) want of energy in our gov.”; 7
519b-(Ask w/ WASH) “If there exists not a power to check them.?.what lifeNsecurity” (Shay/NATO-Gaza);
519c-(Then/now) People FLOUT a CivilState order for which they risked their lives to have; 9
519d-“Shedding our blood to obtain constitution’fchoice.?.sword to overturn” (republicanWashington shuns);
(Winter 1776,crossing ice-river) WASH struggles KingDavidChristmasEve w/ KingDavidGeo3 (DivineRight);
522-(Winter1786,struggling w/duty) WASH wonders whether to attend the ConstitutionalConvention; 12
523-(SpringNewDdays 1787), Washington writes Gov.Randolph he will indeed attend the convention; 13

(Chernow’s Washington a Life) ahPoem.522-537. “fear’fdisunion”
522-Jay pens WASH, “Let Congress legislate… others execute… others judge”; 1
523-Heart of americanism Always is (Reason)republicanism; 2
524-Don’t be like an old almanack, out of date; RENEW ameriICAN; 3
530-WASH presence reassures all that delegates are doing publicGood; 4
531- 1775War, 1787Peace,… WASH ‘s heretoHelp (1st in War, 1st in Peace); 5
532-Outside StateHouse with WASH (Billy)Lee, Paris, Giles hear “freedom” NOT include slave; 6
RoyalAfricankings “Father” slavery, an economy; 7
533-“Is it a rising or setting sun”.?.ClassicalS-WASH make StateSCivil; 8
533a-Convention supports a 3BranchGov., 2Leg.House; there is agreement; 9
533b-Amity crumbles on largeNsmall states’ representationNslave; 10
534-Washington and Madison’s worst “fear’fdisunion”, threatens convention; 11
536-Representation “COMPROMISE”… Senate equal, House proportional; 12
537-Disguised blackmail, SouthernStateS will leave Union to keep slaveEconomy; 13

(Chernow’s Washington a Life) ahPoem.537b-545. Federalist / anti-Federalist
537b-Gerry proposes constitutional limit of standing army (year2024, 800 off shore military$bases); 1
538-(09.12.1787) Delegates get printed copies’f Gouveneur Morris penned Preamble; 2
539-WASH sees amendment process refining imperfections; 3
539a-Fed.Constitution charts a path for its own evolution, nice; 4
539b-(09.17.1787) Convention delegates UNANIMOUSLY adopt Constitution (4longMonths); 5
540-FilosofFranklin wonders ? “Is it a rising or a setting sun”; (May 1ScienceCitizens govern!); 6
540a-Fed.Constitution is sent to Congress;…WASH leaves for home, Mount Vernon(Virginia); 7
541-WASH finds Mrs. n family ok, but “the fruits of the earth almost (entirely destroyed by one
of the severest droughts [in this neighborhood] that ever was experienced”; 8
541a-(ones time for civilDuty) WASH makes private sacrifice to do publicService away from home; 9
542-Not favoring Fed.Constitution, locus of dissent is NY (Governor Geo.Clinton, frigid winterNtalk); 10
542-Franklin and Washington combined prestige favors Fed.Constitution; 11
544-(Hamilton, Madison, John Jay) Triumvirate called “Publius” authors “The Federalist” essays; 12
545-WASH writes that it is “a little strange that the men of large property (in the south should be
more afraid that the constitution should produce an aristocracy or a monarchy than the genuine
democratical people of the east”; 13

(Chernow’s Washington a Life) ahPoem.545a-5–. WashAmerica
545a-Pennsylvania, NewJersey,Delaware,Georgia, Connecticut (are 1st 5 to ratify, 1778.01); 1
545b-By May, Massachusetts, Maryland, SouthCarolina ratify (One more State is needed!); 2
545c-Constitution or dissolution’f13union, New Hampshire joins (this 9th seals fate’n success); 3
546-VirginiaRatifyingConvention hears ! James Madison oratory;
546a-“Be assured (Washington’s) influence carries this government”-Monroe; 4
546b-B a r e l y Virginia(10), NewYork(11), then NorthCarolina, RhodeIsland join; 5
547-Alexandria is ablaze’nlights… Cheers ! federalConstitution (9!17); 6
548-GouveneurMorris, who pens the Preamble, writes WASH to “mount this seat”(president); 7
548-Hamilton writes WASH… refusal will “throw everything into confusion”; 8
549-(Then!Now) WASH knows the sketchy nature’f ArticleII, the presidency (today,Bl.MonthPres.); 9
549a-MilitaryGlory, thornyPathPATHOScivilState are yang-yin(powers); 10
550-WASH accepts duty to avoid “disagreeable consequences”; 11
551-Washington wins UNANIMOUSLY the ElectoralCollegeVotes (1st and only time); 12
551a-“BackwardRudeBumpkins”,KingDavidGeo3Crown calls WashAmerica (how are We doing now?); 13